Helifish » AUTHOR


                                             My Muse


CA Sole

Colin writes thrillers. They’re different, with abstract concepts: your friend’s wife is a misandrist inclined to violence, your inability to age is dangerous not wonderful, and what if you’d made a difference choice for your future?

Colin’s experience in the army and as a helicopter pilot and aviation safety adviser has taken him all over the world. Hence his books include travel to exotic destinations of which he has first-hand knowledge.

He likes dogs and horses – they’re honest. His books are available at every major outlet and in libraries. See them in the Books page of this site.

Email: c.a.s@helifish.co.uk

Postal Address: Unit 12966, PO Box 7169, Poole, Dorset, BH15 9EL, United Kingdom

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/casole75

There is far too much of the less trodden world left to see.                                                header image-1                      

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2 thoughts on “AUTHOR”

  1. Adriana Lucas


    I am having issues checking out your site. I cannot find any information pertaining to your book. I hope you can offer me some help. Sorry to bother you.

    1. Hello,
      I’m sorry about that, and I don’t understand unless you tried while the site was being worked on. It was very slow earlier this morning, but the internet provider sorted that out. The books are all listed in the menu. What device are you using to access the site? If it’s a phone then the menu is minimised to the three little bars at the top of the screen. You need to click on that. I hope that helps.

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